
Food Tests

Food Tests

Through food testing that you can do at our Pharmacy, you will find out which foods you have a hypersensitivity or intolerance toward. We will provide you with a detailed report indicating the foods you should avoid and those you can continue to consume.Possibility of...

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Blood tests

Blood tests

At our Pharmacy you can perform the following blood tests:glucosio(GLU) – colesterolo(TC) – trigliceridi(TG) – lipoproteine(HDL) – lipoproteine(LDL) – lipoproteine(VLDL)GliyateWith new COAGUCHEK apparatus.This test is used to determine the clotting tendency of...

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Other tests and analysis

Other tests and analysis

Other tests and analysis that can be performed at our Pharmacy:With the glycated hemoglobin test, we can assess the average blood glucose trend over the past two to three months; therefore, it is a very useful test to assess the adequacy of the diabetic patient's...

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